Temperance Adventurer Award


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1.    Read and discuss I Corinthians 6:19, 20 and I Corinthians 3:17.
2.    What is meant by “drug” abuse and temperance.
3.    Talk to a doctor/nurse or discuss with an adult the use and effects of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
Watch and discuss a film or video on the dangers of using any of the above.
4.    Tell why some people choose to smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs. Tell how we can choose not to use them ourselves.
5.    Plan a skit or play encouraging others to say “NO” and perform it with your group.
6.    Design an antismoking, antidrug, anti-alcohol slogan and paint it on a T-shirt.
Create a poster or illustration showing the dangers of drug abuse.
7.    Identify two famous people or athletes who are the best in their area and tell why they do not use tobacco, drugs or alcohol.
Interview two people you know who live happily and healthfully without using tobacco, drugs or alcohol, and discuss with them their reasons for being temperate.
8.    Participate in a recognized fitness test:
a.    President’s Challenge    
b.    An equivalent program


1.    Encourage the Adventurer to memorize and understand the meaning of these texts.
2.    There are many good drugs, like penicillin, which have saved many lives; aspirin, which relieves headaches, and drugs that help cure cancer, etc. When someone uses drugs in harmful doses or in ways not prescribed by a doctor it is called drug abuse. Discuss drugs children are familiar with and how they can be abused. Recommend a special speaker to talk to the children about drugs and the effects of drugs.
3.    People and materials are available through your conference health director, local library and community health department.
4.    In a social setting, encourage the Adventurer to express themselves. Have them share what they have learned. Serve popcorn and fruit juice.
5.    Let the Adventurer be creative and let them develop a play illustrating the importance of saying “NO” to drugs in a polite way.
6.    Have fun becoming involved with your children. A local craft or art store will have the needed supplies.
7.    The local newspaper will give you names of people and stories. Invite a policeman or doctor to share his/her story about the harmful effects of tobacco, drugs and alcohol.
Use Listen or Winner magazines from the Review & Herald Publishing Association.
8.    Use the President’s Challenge or Canadian Fitness test. Set goals and practice to improve.  (See Appendix)