Missionaries Adventurer Award

This item is only available to Club Directors


1. What is the Great Commission found in the Bible? 
2. Discuss what Jesus taught us about knowing “who is my neighbor”.
3. What is a missionary?
a. What were the first missionaries in the New Testament called by Jesus?
b. Who were the first foreign Christian missionaries

4. Learn about and identify on a map the three missionary journeys that Paul traveled on.
5. Listen to or watch a current mission story.
6. Talk about some ways you can be a missionary or how you can help with the mission work around the world.
7. Participate in at least one missionary project.


1. Read Matthew 28:19-20.
2. Read Luke 10:27-37.
3. A missionary is someone sent by Jesus Christ just as He was sent by God.
a. Matthew 10:5-15.
b. Acts 13:-1-13.

4. Highlight different events from his journeys. Have the children trace in three colors the journeys of Paul.

5. There are several Adventist mission organizations, search the internet for websites. Also, invite those who have gone on mission trips to give a presentation. 
6. You can be a missionary by helping your neighbor, telling them about Jesus, or telling your friends in school about Him, inviting your friends to Adventurers or Sabbath School. You can help by raising funds for foreign Mission Projects.

7. Some ideas:

a. Send a letter or card to a missionary or their children.
b. Make a prayer journal and pray for a missionary project.
c. Participate in a fundraiser that will sponsor a mission project.
d. Donate a toy or clothing to a mission project.
e. Assemble Care Packages.