Hand Shadows Adventurer Award
1. Teach each child how to make several hand shadow pictures.
2. Once they have learned to make the hand shadows, ask the following questions:
a. Which hand shadow do you most enjoy?.
b. Which was the hardest to learn?
c. Why was it more difficult?
d. Were there some shadows that you couldn't make?
3. Let children discuss how they would teach this skill to other children.
4. Practice with adult supervision on how to teach others to make hand shadows.
5. Teach someone how to make 2 or more hand shadows.
Helps children understand they have gifts to give to others.
Curriculum Connection:
This is not a required award, but may be used to complete the Helping Hand, My Self, I Am Special, requirement B
Library books.
1. Create light and shadow indoors with a flashlight attached to the back of a high-back chair, over-head project or lamp. Shine a light on the wall, a screen or bed sheetthat is stretched tight. Handshadows can be done outside with natural sunlight and a backdrop of your choice.
2. Discuss the questions. Help them understand how they learned and that all people learn at a different pace and in different ways.
3. Work with the children to develop rules for teaching others how to make hand shadows. Rules should include:
a. asking the student how they learn best, such as, listening to instruction, watching you do it, or doing it themselves.
b. be patience.
b. be kind and encouraging.
b. congratulate them when completed.
4. Parent assistance would allow one-on-one attention for each child as they practice teaching.
5. Teach hand shadows to another child or an adult.