Geocaching Pathfinder Honour

1 g
This item is only available to Club Directors

This is the NAD version of the honor requirements.   For the General Conference honor requirements visit here.  The patch is identical.  

  1. Define Geocaching
  2. Identify the tech  tools necessary for geocaching
  3. Define or Identify the following geocaching terms:
    1. Container
    2. Logbook
    3. Cache Owner (CO)
    4. Coordinates
    5. Muggle
    6. Smilie / Find
    7. Caching Name (Login)
    8. Travel Bug / Travel Coin
  4. Define and give examples of the different sizes of caches
    1. Extra Small / Micro / Nano  
    2. Small
    3. Medium / Regular
    4. Large
    5. Other
  5. Define and identify on a caching map the following types of geocaches.
    1. Traditional
    2. Multi-cache
    3. Mystery
    4. Virtual
    5. Earthcache
    6. Letterbox OR Whereigo
  6. What items may be left in a geocache? Which items may not?
  7. What is meant by Cache In, Trash Out (CITO)?
  8. Demonstrate 2 ways of finding the location of a geocache in your area on a caching website or caching app.
  9. Use the following features (or their equivalent) on a GPS receiver and website OR caching app.
    1. Identify latitude and longitude coordinates 
    2. Find by GC Code
    3. Find by location 
    4. Filter locations (choose just those with a Difficulty rating of 3 or lower and Terrain of 3 or lower for example)
    5. Compass 
    6. Map Directions 
    7. Description 
    8. Previous logs
    9. Hint 
  10. Find 3 Geocaches in your area, at least one of which must be a regular (traditional) cache.
  11. Read and discuss Matthew 6:19-21 and Jeremiah 29:13 and determine their relevance to geocaching.
  12. Discuss safety concerns you should consider when geocaching.  View the attributes of a nearby cache to identify caching hazards identified by the cache owner.