Geocaching Pathfinder Honour
1 g
Note: This is the NAD version of the honor requirements. For the General Conference honor requirements visit here. The patch is identical.
- Define Geocaching
- Identify the tech tools necessary for geocaching
- Define or Identify the following geocaching terms:
- Container
- Logbook
- Cache Owner (CO)
- Coordinates
- Muggle
- Smilie / Find
- Caching Name (Login)
- Travel Bug / Travel Coin
- Define and give examples of the different sizes of caches
- Extra Small / Micro / Nano
- Small
- Medium / Regular
- Large
- Other
- Define and identify on a caching map the following types of geocaches.
- Traditional
- Multi-cache
- Mystery
- Virtual
- Earthcache
- Letterbox OR Whereigo
- What items may be left in a geocache? Which items may not?
- What is meant by Cache In, Trash Out (CITO)?
- Demonstrate 2 ways of finding the location of a geocache in your area on a caching website or caching app.
- Use the following features (or their equivalent) on a GPS receiver and website OR caching app.
- Identify latitude and longitude coordinates
- Find by GC Code
- Find by location
- Filter locations (choose just those with a Difficulty rating of 3 or lower and Terrain of 3 or lower for example)
- Compass
- Map Directions
- Description
- Previous logs
- Hint
- Find 3 Geocaches in your area, at least one of which must be a regular (traditional) cache.
- Read and discuss Matthew 6:19-21 and Jeremiah 29:13 and determine their relevance to geocaching.
- Discuss safety concerns you should consider when geocaching. View the attributes of a nearby cache to identify caching hazards identified by the cache owner.