Drill Routines Pathfinder Honour

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This item is only available to Club Directors


1. Have the basic and advanced Drilling & Marching honor.

This Wiki has a page with instructions and tips for earning the Drilling & Marching honor.

This Wiki has a page with instructions and tips for earning the Drilling & Marching - Advanced honor.

2. Define the term ROUTINE.

3. Present five steps to develop or create a drill routine.

4. Create two drill routines and practice with a group to present at a ceremony, recording the event with photos and video.

5. Cite and explain a Biblical example where the concept of drill routines was been used to conquer a territory.

6. Show in a presentation five creative drill routines not yet demonstrated. Write a report that shows the philosophy of the club in relation to the drill routine achieved in the marching exercises (minimum of 200 words and maximum of 500 words).