Toys Eager Beaver


1. What are your favorite toys?

2. Draw or color a picture of your favorite toys.

3. Why is it better to take out one or two toys at a time and them put them away?

4. Pick up your toys for one week.

5. Share a toy with:

a. A friend

b. Your brother or sister, cheerfully

6. Sing a song about sharing and practice while singing.

7. Give a toy to someone who doesn’t have a toy


Collect a toy and give it to charity.

8. Tell your teacher or parent what you would say in a “Thank you” note to someone who has given you a toy.

9. Make a wish list by drawing or by cutting and pasting pictures of four different toys you would like for Christmas or your birthday.

Idea for #8:

Teacher: Write down their words on paper and have them decorate or color the paper around the words. Give to that person if appropriate.