Safety Specialist Adventurer Award

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This item is only available to Club Directors

1.    Watch a video or movie on Home Safety and discuss what you learned.
2.    With your parents, develop a home fire-safety plan. Describe where the household fire extinguisher(s) is/are kept and how to use it/them.
3.    Practice a fire drill at:
a.    Home
b.    School
c.    Church (if possible)
4.    As appropriate for your area, practice the following drills:
a.    Hurricane
b.    Tornado
c.    Earthquake
d.    Flood
e.    Volcano
f.    Lightning and thunder
5.    Be a “Safety Detective” for one week.
6.    Make a safety poster showing dangerous situations and tell or show what you can do about them.
7.    Participate in a safety game.

1.    Materials are available from your local library or Police Department. Encourage discussion so you know the children are aware of the need for fire safety.
2.    Encourage parents to help the children with a fire-safety plan.
3.    Make plans for your school, club, and/or church, drawing where and how to go out of the area. Practice these drills.
4.    Local Police or Fire Departments or your local library will have information for your particular area and the disasters that may appear so you can inform and prepare the children without frightening them.
5.    Make up a “Safety Detective” button or ribbon that the children may wear the week they are recording potential problems at home or school, e.g., a broken latch on a cabinet that has cleaning fluids or medicine in it, frayed wires or broken electrical plugs, a rake lying face up, board in the sidewalk, a broken water faucet, unlabeled containers holding paint thinner, gasoline, broken glass, etc.
6.    Ask permission for the posters to be in a public place for adults to see.
7.    Give the children safety situations to answer yes or no, or “I’ll ask Mom and Dad.”