Geology Pathfinder Honour

1 g
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1.      Give the geological meaning of the following words:
a.       Delta
b.      Sand spit
c.       Sinkhole
d.      Oxbow lake
e.       Moraine
f.       Cirque
g.      Mesa
h.      Alluvial fan
i.        Anticline
j.        Syncline
2.      Describe the following:
a.       A shield volcano as compared to a composite volcano.
b.      How a glacier moves and what evidences it leaves behind.
c.       How sediments are laid down by water.
d.      The different types of mountains.
e.       Why a river or stream bank often keeps caving in on the outside of a bend.
3.      Know what category of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic rock, or igneous) the following rocks are:
a.       Granite
b.      Sandstone
c.       Conglomerate
d.      Slate
e.       Shale
f.       Marble
g.      Lava
h.      Limestone
i.        Basalt
j.        Gneiss
4.      Take a picture or make a sketch of each of the following geological features:
a.       A bed of sediment that is coarser at the bottom and finer toward the top. (This is called normal graded bedding).
b.      Ripple marks in sand or mud. (Show with an arrow the current direction if possible).
c.       Gulley erosion
d.      Mud cracks. (These can usually be found after a heavy rain or flood when mud starts to dry).
e.       Soil profile along a stream bank or road cut. (You should be able to see how soil usually becomes lighter colored downward from the surface of the ground).
f.       A sand bar. (Sand bars can be found in streams, rivers or along the ocean).




1.      Give the geological meaning of the following words:
a.       Delta
b.      Sand spit
c.       Sinkhole
d.      Oxbow lake
e.       Moraine
f.       Cirque
g.      Mesa
h.      Alluvial fan
i.        Anticline
j.        Syncline
2.      Describe the following:
a.       A shield volcano as compared to a composite volcano.
b.      How a glacier moves and what evidences it leaves behind.
c.       How sediments are laid down by water.
d.      The different types of mountains.
e.       Why a river or stream bank often keeps caving in on the outside of a bend.
3.      Know what category of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic rock, or igneous) the following rocks are:
a.       Granite
b.      Sandstone
c.       Conglomerate
d.      Slate
e.       Shale
f.       Marble
g.      Lava
h.      Limestone
i.        Basalt
j.        Gneiss
4.      Take a picture or make a sketch of each of the following geological features:
a.       A bed of sediment that is coarser at the bottom and finer toward the top. (This is called normal graded bedding).
b.      Ripple marks in sand or mud. (Show with an arrow the current direction if possible).
c.       Gulley erosion
d.      Mud cracks. (These can usually be found after a heavy rain or flood when mud starts to dry).
e.       Soil profile along a stream bank or road cut. (You should be able to see how soil usually becomes lighter colored downward from the surface of the ground).
f.       A sand bar. (Sand bars can be found in streams, rivers or along the ocean).