Duct Tape Pathfinder Honour

1 g
This item is only available to Club Directors


1. List or explain the components of duct tape.

2. Give a 3-5 minute report or create a timeline about the history and development of duct tape.

3. Name three uses of duct tape.

4. List at least three ways that duct tape is used in a professional setting.

5. Outline duct tape safety rules as they relate to general duct tape usage, usage recreationally among young people, and within a craft setting.

6. Demonstrate the ability to tear pieces of duct tape, by hand, in the following lengths without the aid of a knife, scissors, or any other cutting instrument. The tape must not get tangled up or wrinkled. a. 15 cm (6 inches) b. 60 cm (2 feet) c. 150 cm (5 feet)

7. Create a toolkit with the basic items needed for duct tape crafts, including at least three colors/designs of duct tape, cutting mat, scissors, utility knife, tools for residue removal. Demonstrate the ability to use each tool.

8. Create five items from duct tape, such as: a. Wallet or purse b. Basket or tote c. A wearable piece of clothing d. Holiday decorations e. Christmas wrapping or bows f. Simple flower arrangement g. Toy h. Items of your choice

9. Build a boat that will float a 2kg (5lb) sack of flour for five minutes while preventing the flour from getting wet. You may use other materials to create a frame, but the majority of the hull should be made from duct tape.

10. Complete the following spiritual lessons on the “stickiness” of duct tape. a. Read Daniel chapter 3 and discuss how duct tape can apply to God and the Hebrews in the story. b. Memorize and recite Proverbs 18:24 and explain how duct tape applies to this verse. c. Discuss in a group how “sin” can stick to you. d. Memorize and recite James 4:7 and share your ideas on how sin can get unstuck in our lives.