Country Fun Adventurer Award

1 g
This item is only available to Club Directors



1.    Pick a country you want to study.
2.    On a world map find the location of the country and identify what coninent it is on.
3.    Find, draw or trace a map and flag of your country.
4.    Learn six facts about the country, such as those suggested below.
a.    Draw or find a picture of the native dress
b.    Learn a Sabbath or secular song.
c.    Listen to the national anthem.
d.    Learn to play a Sabbath or secular game.
e.    Name the main religion(s).
f.    Collect a stamp, postcard or coin.
g.    Read or listen to a legend, myth or story.
5.    Make a simple craft or food from the country.
6.    Read in the Bible how languages originated at the tower of Babel. 
(Genesis 11:1-19).

1.    Use local church members, 
library or website for information. Recommended book and website are listed below. You may wish to make a country scrapbook.